Ahad, 31 Disember 2017

Today, on 31st December 2017, Maktab Mahmud Padang Terap (MMPT) had received about 80 new form one students. The registration started at 9.00 a.m. The teachers and staff were helped by the form three and form four students. At 9.30 a.m, we had a speech from The Senior Assistant of Students' Affair, En Zulqurnain. He talked about the rules the students should follow and also reminded them to take care of themselves. The event was proceeded by a speech from our beloved Principal, Ustazah Nawal binti Nawawi who welcomed the students and parents to MMPT. in her speech, she advised the parents to always monitor their children at home as well as at school as the parents' cooperation is one of the aspects for the students' success. 

Speech from The Senior Assistant of Students'affair

Speech from the Principal

At 11.00 a.m, the students were asked to go to their classes and get the text books. After the session ended, the students who would be staying at hostel had to go to the hostel for registration and also cleaning the dorm. Their next session began at 2.30. Meanwhile, the rest of the students were allowed to settle their things and they will be coming to the school on the next day for learning session. 

We, the teachers of MMPT, pray that all of you will be successful and can make your parents proud. Use your time wisely and stay focus in the class.
Once again, 


Khamis, 28 Disember 2017

Hari ini merupakan hari pendaftaran bagi pelajar-pelajar Tingkatan 2,3,4 dan 5 untuk sesi 2018.

Para pelajar ditemani waris untuk sesi pembayaran yuran sekolah, PIBG dan dana. Hari ini juga merupakan hari penjualan buku nota dan alatulis serta pemberian buku teks bagi kegunaan tahun 2018.

Selain itu, para pelajar juga diberi slip keputusan peperiksaan akhir tahun bagi 2017.

Kami, bagi pihak warga MMPT berdoa supaya para pelajar dapat meningkatkan pencapaian dari segi akademik, kokurikulum mahupun sahsiah. Semoga tahun 2018 menjadi tahun yang lebih bermakna. 

Isnin, 25 Disember 2017

Barisan hadapan (dari kiri)

Cg Amran, Us Azmy, Ust Nawal, Cg Zul, En Sani

Barisan kedua (dari kiri)

En Hasrul, En Amir, Puan Bibi, Puan Wati, Cik Farah

Barisan pertama (dari  kiri)
Ust Izuddin, Ust Rosdi, Cg Amran, Ust Azmy, Ustazah Nawal, Cg Zul, Us Wan Asri, Us Maaz, Us Mokhtar

Barisan kedua (dari kiri)
Ustzah Syakirah, Ustazah Wan Faezah, Cg Aimi, Ustazah Wan Najidah, Ustazah Husna, Ustazah Rohani, Ustazah Kartini, Cg Amirah, Cg Norhaliza, Cg Rodiah, Cg Lizati, Cg Norhashikin, Cg Hasna, Cg Ummi.

Barisan ketiga (dari kiri)Ustaz Muhammad (menggantikan Ustaz Zukri), Ustaz Ahmad, Cg Nasri, Cg Hasif (menggantikan Cg Salwana), Cg Amirul, Cg Soleh. 

*Tiada dalam gambar
1. Ustaz Mahmad Zukri
2. Ustazah Eshah
3. Cg Nur Salwana Asna

Sabtu, 23 Disember 2017

Penubuhan Blog MMPT

Sejajar dengan perkembangan teknologi dan kemudahan internet yang semakin luas dan mudah diakses, pihak MMPT menubuhkan blog ini bagi memudahkan para pelajar, guru atau sesiapa sahaja untuk melihat berita-berita terkini dari MMPT. 

Blog ini menjanjikan coretan setiap bait kenangan terindah untuk diabadikan setiap warga MMPT samada dari segi kurikulum, kokurikulum ataupun hal ehwal pelajar.

Blog ini juga diharapkan dapat dijadikan satu platform perhubungan bagi warga MMPT dari semasa ke semasa.

Sebarang komentar atau cadangan adalah dialu-alukan dan didahulukan oleh ucapan terima kasih.  

Free counters!


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